The Great Text Editor Dilemma

I still can't choose between Crimson Editor, PSPad or Notepad++ and, at the moment, I have all three installed.

I worry that the inability to choose between three examples of the most basic application is an early sign of some form of dementia so it's time for drastic action. I'm going to choose one and see if I can live with it after uninstalling the other two from both my work and home PCs. If we don't get along, I'll move on to the next one.

You might think that the question of which one to choose first might simply become the new face of my old indecision, but there is a natural early leader and this might be quite telling.

Notepad++ has the option of centralising its configuration settings making them easier to port between machines and, although I have highlighted this before as a desirable feature, I hadn't realised just how desirable it was. I've moaned before about Notepad++'s default syntax colourings but the centralised configuration takes a lot of the pain out of this if I can keep two machines synced easily.

One more feature that was leading me away from NPP and towards PSPad was the latter's built in hex editor. Now this is not something I use very often, but I like the idea that its there if needed. I hadn't noticed, though, that Notepad++ has a hex editor plug-in, so we'll see just how key a feature that is by whether or not I bother to install it.

I think if I can live without built in FTP, I might have found the winner.


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